Thoughts from the Kennel

Sunday, 17th March 2024

I forgor

So, I forgot about this site for like a month. Oops! It's no longer the primary hyperfixation so I lost track of posting on here. The D&D game I've been talking about still hasn't fired yet, which has me kind of upset, but like it's fine I guess. In other news, I'm way back into Wizard101 and Runescape, a couple games from my childhood. Good games, tbh. I also went 3-1 in the Tiny Leaders league this month! I'm really proud of how I've improved as a player lately. Playing a "meta" deck maybe helps too. That's all I've got for now! I'll try to update this thing more often going forward.

Friday, 9th February 2024

Session Zero, part 2

The session went GREAT!! All three characters have really interesting ways of interacting with the setting and are building some awesome chemistry with each other. I can't wait to start! I've been thinking nonstop about it since. Currently fleshing out the first session for the group. I think it's gonna be a hit. Hopefully the momentum keeps up!!

Wednesday, 7th February 2024

Session Zero

Session zero for my 4e game is coming up today! I'm excited to share the powerpoint I've been working on with the group. It's set in the Elder Scrolls universe, 20 years after the events of Skyrim. My players have some awesome charater ideas, so it's gonna be a fun time. I've always wanted to DM for a group and have it last, and it never does. Hopefully it works out this time.